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Forum > Filmożercy, Książkoholicy i Muzykanci > Race for the double helix 1987

Watson and Crick race to find the structure of DNA before Linus Pauling, Maurice Wilkins, or Rosalind Franklin can find the key to unlocking the secret.

Not the world's best piece of film making, perhaps, but this is one of the most historically accurate movies ever made about science. As a biology teacher, I found it a great way to cover a rather difficult part of the syllabus. I'm sorry all those other biology students found it so boring; I can only hope that if their teachers had explained what was going on a bit better they would have found more to enjoy. This is a particularly good portrayal of the often bizarre and non-linear way in which science works, in contrast to the typical unrealistic expositions about the scientific method. The discovery of the structure of DNA was one of the most ground-breaking advances in 20th Century science, and one which is still having and will continue to have an enormous impact on our lives, so the value of the film as a depiction of history is very significant.

We are House Atreides. There is no call we do not aswer. There is no faith that we betray.

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discordia - Naturalne Dobro Mazowsza · 6 lat temu
Jak Netflix zrobi serial z Joelem Kinnamanen i Cillianem Murphym w rolach głównych, to obejrze, Ba, nawet sie bede jarać

***** ***
Forum > Filmożercy, Książkoholicy i Muzykanci > Race for the double helix 1987
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